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How do we make an appointment?

As soon as you've checked out the other Q&As and worked out the where and when with the family give us a call (weekdays) at the studio @ 252.480.2395. We tend to book up really quickly during the season. When you call be sure you have your contact info handy, address where you are staying (Google Maps is our friend), realtor and unit number, phone number of the house, and your cell (in case the house phone gets left off the hook). We can't really make a reservation if we don't know how to contact you, you know, in case of the odd hurricane, or the tide takes out the road, just normal Outer Banks stuff. Also, please have your credit card info handy as we do take a $100 deposit to make it a firm reservation. We're trusting, but last minute cancellations and no-shows keep others from getting great pictures on that day and we don't want anyone to miss out because someone else changed their mind. 


We are extremely people-oriented so we make all our reservations on the phone instead of email. It gives us a chance to answer any other questions (who has good BBQ?) you might come up with and just say hello, Hello! So give us a call and the Shooters family looks forward to meeting you and your family on the beach...


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